Monday, November 29, 2010


We all come into this world in the same way.  No child is born a nurse , teacher, sweeper, driver golfer or chief executive.  We have to do certain things right to become what we want to be.   The Creator in His wisdom made sure that all humans start from the same point, same level.   God did not bring you into this world to do nothing,  and He also did not create some people useful and some useless.  We are all here for a purpose.  However, the question which begs an answer is , How is it that some people become successful while others come to the end of life without having achieved much or anything at all.

It is said that we are all born with only two fears:  the fear of following and the fear of loud noises.  What about other fears....where do they originate from?   one can safely conclude that ALL other fears must be learned. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that FEAR is the most debilitating and destructive force on the planet.  Fear causes self-doubt, a state were one does not believe in his/her own abilty to achieve anything worthwhile.  Fear is a crippler, it destroys desires, it weakens wispers to you that you can't make things happen in your life.  In the presence of fear, enthusiasm disappears.  Fear is a paralyser.  When fear takes root in your life, it rules your affairs with an iron robs you of love,joy, peace and creativity.  Fear lowers your confidence, it crushes all dreams , hopes, ambitions and promotes discord, petty jealous, self doubt, discouragments.  Fear brings feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and ultimately FAILURE.

Fearfulness is a horrible thing to live with.  A fearful person is always blaming someone or something for his/her lack of success in life.  Fearful people can't take ACTION TODAY, they procrastinate because of their fear of failure.  Fear takes all power, energy and initiative from them.  I know what I am talking about, I have been there, done that.   My life started to change when I discovered that time was passing me by and I had to get rid of the needless fear and take charge of my life.  Since I made the decision to confront my fears and expose them for what they are,what a huge difference it made on my outlook on life! 

Dr William James, the father of American psychology, once made this statement:  "YOUR BELIEF AT THE BEGINNING OF ANY PROJECT DETERMINES ITS OUTCOME". WOW! how true.  It has been proven  beyond any doubt that the major reason people do not get the results they deserve in their lives, is FEAR.  When you are afraid, you will somehow expect to fail....Dr James was the first to identify this as the Law of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.  "Be careful of what you expect, because you are probably going to get it!'

Confront your fear, strip it naked layer by layer and you will find there was nothing there to fear!
Picture what your life would be like when you actualize your goals.
Read books with stories of people who have conquered what you are currently struggling with.
Feel the Fear, and  Do IT ANYWAY!

Finally, take ACTION TODAY to start winning your battle against fear.

Howard Mahere

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