Monday, January 24, 2011


ACT TODAY: WHAT IS INTERNET MARKETING?: "A few months ago I made a decision to learn what internet marketing was all about. I must admit that when I left my country of birth Z..."


A few months ago I made a decision to learn what internet marketing was all about.  I must admit that when I left my country of birth Zimbabwe coming to New Zealand I had very little knowledge on how to use a computer.  I was never interested at all, deep down I felt intimidated by the internet world.  However, life has a way of dealing with people who don't believe in themselves.  Because of circumstances beyong my control I found myself joining a marketing firm based in the USA to learn how to market anything , anywhere in the world , be it Online or Offline , and ultimately to be able to use the power of the internet to generate some income.

Let me begin by saying that learning Internet Marketing with almost zero internet knowledge was like learning a whole new language.  Terms like search engines, metatags, ezines, opt-in, hosting pages, autoresponders and CTR (click through rate) or PPC (pay per click) was foreign and confusing but very interesting.

Now , lets look at what exactly is Internet Marketing.....Internet Marketing is simply the marketing/selling of products or services over the internet.  It is the same when you would buy your bread or shirt from your local shop/s.  Actually, goods and services are purchased 24/7 on the www (World Wide Web).

The statistics show that the internet is growing faster than any other invention known to mankind. Its unbelievable that more than 80% of consumer purchases begin with an internet search, and 75% of business do business transactions on the internet as well.

By end of 1995, there were more than 16 million Internet users.
Beginning of year 2000, Internet users had jumped to almost 248 million.
By June 2005, there were  938 million Internet users.
End of 2010, users were said to be 1.8 billion.

The Internet continues to grow, and so are opportunities that would never have been possible and available to people like you and me.  It is true that we live in the age of the great equalizer.  The digital world has arrived and the fearless and risk takers are making real money using the power of the web.  The Internet is the most extraordinary money making device ever created for the so called 'commoner' to make money.   There is no more excuses.  I repeat, we have no excuse to remain uninformed and struggling. 

From what I learned when I was receiving training, we have no reason to fear using the internet to conduct businesses.  It is the future, according to Entrepreneur magazine, the average home-based business household earns $50 250 a year.  And about 20% of all home-business households earn in excess of $75 000 a year.  Some are earning very handsome commissions just for being affiliates.  Its very interesting and exciting today, anyone can start a business and reach out to any market niche in the world with a good idea,and a laptop with internet connection.

What is also great about doing business online is that, the cost and risk are lower compared to a brick and motor (traditional business), I will give my Lolly Shop business as an example...

                        Lolly Mania Shop furniture and fixtures  $6000
                        Inventory                                               $14 000
                        Rent                                                       $145/week
                        Telephone                                              $86/month
                        Electricity                                               $125/month
                        Insurance                                               $76/month
                        INTERNET BUSINESS
                        Website                                                $500
                         Hosting                                                $7 T0 $10/month
                         Software                                              $15/month
                         AWEBER AUTORESPONDER         $17/month

In the Internet business world,  your website becomes your shop front on the World Wide Web.  If , say , you are selling digital products online, you will not have the headache of dealing and handling any physical products or shipping since your clients can simply download their purchases from the internet..  Your website is your 24/7 salesperson advertising and promoting your product  on your behalf.  Your payment processor is working round the clock so you can accept orders around the clock.  Your Inteernet business is indeed a global business.  Your website/s can receive orders from various countries of the world compared to a tradional business where you can cater mostly to your local community.

I am still learning as we all know there is no end to learning.  There is also a lot to write about the advantages of doing business online, but for today I will end here, however, if you would like to learn how to market effectively online, contact us  AND TAKE ACTION TODAY!


Friday, January 14, 2011


ACT TODAY: FLOODS, FLOODS AND MORE FLOOODS: "Disasters everywhere, can somebody tell me whats becoming of this beautiful planet earth. My heart goes to the people of Brazil..."


Disasters everywhere, can somebody tell me whats becoming of this beautiful planet earth.

My  heart goes to the people of Brazil and Australia.  Reports continue to come in and
things dont look good at the moment.  What is so frustrating is that even the police or the army
cant stop or fight against nature....who can blame them?

Imagine that a city as big as Brisbane in a very short time has become a big flowing waterway.
Unbelievable indeed!  Ya, things can change anytime -today is the only day you have, be grateful,
and tomorrow is yet to come, why not pray for it.

We are indeed powerless, helpless and NOTHING when it comes to the power of mother nature.

All hope is not lost though...DAVID faced very desperate times and this is what he did and its recorded
in the Psalms of David...............SAVE ME, O GOD
                                                 FOR THE WATERS HAVE COME UP TO MY NECK.
                                                 I SINK IN DEEP MIRE,
                                                 WHERE THERE IS NO STANDING;
                                                 I HAVE COME INTO DEEP WATERS,
                                                 WHERE THE FLOODS OVERFLOW ME.
                                                  I AM WEARY WITH MY CRYING;
                                                  MY THROAT IS DRY;
                                                  MY EYES FAIL WHILE I WAIT FOR MY GOD.

David ends his prayer by saying..BUT I AM POOR AND SORROWFUL;
                                                  LET YOUR SALVATION, O GOD, SET ME UP ON
                                                  I WILL PRAISE THE NAME OF GOD WITH A SONG,
                                                  AND WILL MAGNIFY HIM WITH THANKSGIVING.
                                                   THIS ALSO SHALL PLEASE THE LORD BETTER THAN
                                                   AN OX OR BULL,
                                                   WHICH HAS HORNS AND HOOVES.
                                                    THE HUMBLE SHALL SEE THIS AND BE GLAD;
                                                     AND YOU WHO SEEK GOD, YOUR HEARTS SHALL

This should be our attitude when we are facing the storms of life.  I rest my case.

God be with all those who are suffering.

Remember: In all your getting, get understanding.

Howard Mahere
New Zealand

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"A feast is made for laughter,
And wine makes merry;
But money answers everything."
Ecclesiastes 10.19

Money,money  We cannot do without it!  Money is not everything but we are agreed that it makes life better.

Money is defined as any object, that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country.  The main functions of money are therefore distinguished as...a medium of exchange; a unit of account and a store of value.  Money derives its value by being declared by Government to be legal tender, which means it must be accepted as a form of payment within the stipulations and boundaries of the country, for all debts, public and private.

The word "money" is believed historically to originate from a temple of Hera, located on Capitoline, one of Rome's seven hills.  In the ancient world Hera was often associated with money.  The temple of Juno Moneta at Rome was the place where the mint of ancient Rome was located.  The name "Juno" may derive from the Etruscan goddess Uni (which means "the one" "unique", "unit", "union", "united") and "Moneta" either from the Latin word "monere" (remind, warn, or instruct) or the Greek word "moneres" (alone, unique).  In the Western World, a prevelent term for coin-money has been specie, stemming from Latin in specie, meaning "in kind".

Financial worries are common these days.  Many people are knee-deep in debt, most of it is consumer debt driven.  Yes, personal debt is at an all-time high.  Many companies are equally debt ridden, they are in financial troubles surviving on bank overdrafts.  The majority of employees are not sure how long they will  remain in employment, making it hard to plan their financial futures.  So-called job security is no more.  Corporate "rightsizing" or "restructuring is a catch word these days all over the globe.

However, amidst all these uncertain conditions, one of the first things wise people realize  is the old adage, "If it is to be, it is up to me."  Wow, how true and powerful-- the ball is in your court, your financial success and your course is up to you.  It simply means that you take total responsibility for your life and your future.

"Man is made and unmade by himself.
In the armory of his thoughts he forges
weapons by which he destroys or
builds himself."
James Allen

Here are a few principles for cash management that have been proven time and time again to fit an economic situation, be it in high inflation or low, in depression or recession and even a monetary collapse as happened to my beloved Zimbabwe:

1. Avoid going into debt especially consumer one.
2. Live within your means.
3. Save and invest (seek advice from gurus).
4. Set long-term financial goals.
5. Everything you have belongs to God (He is Lord of the whole earth, of everything in it- and of everything you own - therefore acknowledge Him.)

Here are some of the advantages of implement these principles:
-People who follow these principles will accumulate interest on their investments instead of paying out interest on debts.  It follows then that in times of high inflationm the people who follow these guidelines will see their net worth go up while the net worth of everyone around them is being eaten up by rising prices and interest.
-In good economic times the same principles result in lower spending, lower interest payments, and greater money set aside for emergencies and financial freedom.
-If there is a monetary will be those who are spending less than they earn, who have savings, who have immoveable assets, and who have avoided debts who will be in the best position to weather those times.

You owe it to yourselt to start asking yourself the following questions: which way do I want my financial life to go?  What other option is there for me?  What opportunities are available out there?  Answers to these questions, will open up your mind to what is possible for you.

Quit blaming others and the economy for your financial instability.  Make a quality decision to get up and get going.  You may want to check out CarbonCopyPRO at


Howard Mahere

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Motivation is the driving force which causes us to achieve goals.  Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic.  The term is generally used to describe the causes for animal behavior as well.   According to various theories, motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality or avoiding mortality......Wikipedia.

As we start our 2011 journey, I would like to share some of my favorite motivational  quotes which I  have adapted to use as I work on my various business and personal goals. For a success -seeking individual,  inspirational quotes are as fuel is to a rocket propelling one to a new world of possibilities.

I have made my personal remarks/thoughts after each quote. Enjoy!

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained!
If you don't take some calculated risks in life, your life will remain at the same place.  Dreaming without acting  is no good to anyone .
"You will pay the price if you believe the promise". - Jim Rohn
What is it that you want?

How bad do you want it?Do you believe your life will change when you realise your dream/s?
If your answer is in the positive, you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.

The man who seeks one thing in life and but one
May hope to achieve it before life is done;
But he who seeks all things, whereever he goes
Only reaps from the hopes which around him he sows
A harvest of barren regrets. ---Robert Bulwer-Lytton.

We fail to reach our goals because of not focusing on that one thing we want.
"I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come." --Abraham Lincoln.
Whatever situation you are in right now, I urge you to expand your knowledge by reading and attending motivational seminars and learning from those who have already walked the road and reached their destination.

Its not over until its over!
You will never reach your destination if you don't stick to the plan.  Don't quit, hang in their until things happen.

"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great."  Les Brown.
You can not expect results if you never take the first step.  Successful people are successful because of the actions they took.  

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".  Lao-Tzu.
The major thing is to make the first step, once you do that the next step follows naturally.  What do you want to do? Just plan and go for it. Period.

Carl Bard once said..."Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending."
Never allow your age to  prevent you from starting and persuing a new project.  As long as you enjoy good health go ahead and do something and see what happens.

Pay the price...There is no success without sacrifice.  If we succeed without sacrifice, it is because someone who went before us paid the price.  If you sacrifice and don't see success, then someone who follows will reap success.  This statement was made by my mentor John C. Maxwell, who is a leadership expert, speaker, author and founder of EQUIP, a nonprofit organisation that has trained more than 5 million leaders in 126 countries worldwide.

Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
Proverbs 4:7
Education and riches are good things to have but the most important thing is to seek wisdom to be able to manage our affairs better.

Whatever you would like to do, don't delay, do it today!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


You  are now in 2011, whether you sprinted or crawled into it,the important thing is that you have made it.
Here are statements to usher you into this blessed year...

START OFF 2011 with a thankful heart


 with WHY do what you do


 with dreams and hope

 with plans to achieve all your dreams

with the determination to actualize all your dreams

 determined to work harder than ever before

determined to make this year better than ever before

 determined to take your lifestyle to another level

 determined to achieve financial freedom

determined to live with a mindset of abundance

with a passion

with clearly written goals

determined to implement all your resolutions

determined to evaluate your goals every 3 months (inspect what you expect)

determined to live life on your own terms

determined to help someone realise and maximize his/her GOD given potential

determined to become a better human being

determined to be a person of action